Tomorrow has come, Today

Friday, August 10, 2007

It Rhyme-d ... but for what Reason?

I dont remember ever listening to music until I was about 9 or 10. Unless you count nursery rhymes or the many songs my mom would sing while in the kitchen in a foreign language.

Not that she was tone deaf or anything, it was quite the opposite, she has a really good voice, but the songs were actually in a foreign language- Malay to be specific. She grew up in that part of the world and to this day when she and her sisters get together, they start off in that language and we're left trying to decipher the juicy bits of gossip. But I digress.

Many of those nursery rhymes did not make any sense. Whats with "The 50 green bottles standing on the wall"?! I cant count how many mind numbing minutes have gone by singing that song on field trips from school.

And didnt we have a censor board back then? There's violence in many of the rhymes we grew up with; take "Humpty Dumpty" for example- Isnt it sad that "All the kings horses and men" couldnt put our little egg-head back together again?

Oh and I still remember wondering why a mother would put her baby "on a (windy) tree top". Was she lazy to rock the cradle herself? (Courtesy: Rock 'a 'bye baby) Oooh the horror of picturing the baby falling from the tree! And we didnt even have to imagine it! There it was in techi-color for us to see on video ... *sigh* it was a "disturbed" childhood, as Hubby likes to put it.

But learning and watching all these rhymes prepared me for childhood I must say. "Tom & Jerry" had a whole lotta more violence and I'm glad they didnt rate it "R"! And good didnt always triumph over evil either ... hmm ...

I did learn however that the bump caused by dropping a mallet on someones head could not be hammered back in. Err ... dont ask me how! Might get someone all riled up and bring back painful memories.

And what happened to those nice cartoons anyways. Now its all powder-puffy girls and rug-rats! Though I still like TMNT. Hmm I need to get on UTube and search for these cartoons-> Looney Tunes, Bionic Six, Transformers (Didnt you just loveeee the movie!?), Spiderman and Friends, The Pink Panther, Underdog, Laurel and Hardy, Abbot and Costello ...

Remember the never-ending violent behavior of "the 3 stooges"? I bet in cartoon world, they must be at a "behavioral disorder" clinic in kansas now!


  • I think you're being a tad deterministic.

    And I loved the transformers, thanks you M. Bay!!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 11:20 AM  

  • Hey, what about all the juicy juice bits of mil's visit? No fireworks yet?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 9:57 PM  

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