Tomorrow has come, Today

Monday, July 30, 2007

Curb your enthusiasm

"No friends, No enemies", my Dad used to say. And I'd scoff at how he could be so un-trusting sometimes ...

Now, I must admit, being too friendly and chatty with people has its downsides, especially when they're people who are going to be in your life forever. I dont mean the people you choose- close friends, life-partner, co-workers to hang out with ... most are expendable. (Well, maybe except life-partner) But I mean, the people you "inherit"- life-partner's closest friends, closest friend's life partners and.... *drum roll*.... the in-laws.

Heres the conundrum- would you rather be labelled as a person who "doesnt talk to me much" or the "i cant believe she said that" ? I'm sure both have their pros and cons like everything and everyone in this world but I sure know which one is easier for me. :-D

Not that I only take the easier paths in life. (I married out of caste, age, state and culture didnt I?) If I ever have kids in my life, I think I'll encourage them to marry someone from another country (or maybe it'll be planet by then!) Err Sis, I wont encourage DD, I promise!

Getting back to the topic at hand, hubby is pleased with my take on things. Cant ask for more I guess. I think I opt for the less-stressful paths if they dont matter in the bigger scheme of things.

I would never have thought I'd be this easy-going... but then again life throws surprises at ya. If its dark chocolate, taste it; you never know ... you actually might end up loving it! (And if its good for you, its a plus!)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Harry Tales

Well, I'm done with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! Finally, I can now rest easy ... Read on, cos I'm not going to spoil it for ya.

I'll give it this... it was action packed. It was all I could do to read slowly so not to miss who stunned whom, and what curse hit who. There were times when even my imagination needed a re-cap to fully experience the sheer havoc that is Harry's life. Reading 200+ pages a day for 3 days was easy since I've taken to the "boy-who-lived" whos now come of age and is a man. My man however, had me narrate the story to him each night before bed. This wasnt easy since there are so many little references to the other books, I skipped bits and pieces so as to not shorten my sleep time!

But eventually, I felt guilty, why shouldnt he know the excitement I got from reading the story, the way it folds out...? He was particularly saddened by one of his favorite creature's death in the plot. Oh well... thats a wizards life!

I live vicariously through Harry Potter ... since my world has none of the flying-on-broomstick excitement. Theres no way to 'disapparate' out of a room when you feel like it. Cant cast the 'muffliato' spell when someones evesdropping... I can go on and on.

So now what? On to the next book... I'm considering The Pied Piper by Ridley Pearson.
On the Harry Potter front, I can only wait to watch the next movie now... and spoil it for all around me while I go, "Oh that wasnt how it went in the book!" Hmm I can be pretty sanctimonious I guess ...

Friday, July 20, 2007

And.... Everything in its place!

I thought it was about time I sorted through the boxes in the closet and unpacked everything. This was a thought I had about 2 years ago when I moved in... NOW, its time to sort through all the unpacked stuff and organise em!

It was surprisingly easy to adjust with Hubby whos in no means a control freak when it comes to orderliness. Heck, he's so out of control that I suddenly realise why we get along so well!

Categorizing has never come easy to me. I shy away from placing ANYthing into invisible divides. (Well, in this case, drawer dividers and folders in a filing cabinet...) I hold onto diversity in my life, so why place such stringent rules on materialism? I mean, isnt dividing my stuff into piles quite like placing people into stereotypes? Hmm maybe I need to re-think this whole idealist re-org weekend and spend it by getting to know the new hippie-couple across the street!

Anyhoo, once I had no more excuses with which to convince myself I started the actual sorting. Mounds of clothes, books and what I can only label as "knick-knacks"... and I stumble across old journals, photos and quite a few fashion mishaps. What was I thinking!?

5 hours later, it feels good to be organised! I never knew how it felt to actually know where something was before I wanted it, didnt realise that "If first you dont find, search and then search AGAIN!" didnt have to be my motto. I guess my Mom was onto something when she would yell at us to "arrange our rooms". Ofcourse until now, clean-up just meant moving the pile of things labelled "stuff" from one closet to another- that was used less often!

Now I just need to decide what to do with all this extra time... Maybe nows the time to tackle the mess on my desk at work?

And the icing on the cake?- Seeing Hubby put his shoes away, on HIS side of the shoe rack, and to hear him say, "Ah, it feels so strange (er... good?) to be SO organised." Hmm this MUST be love... or marital bliss at the very least!

Is it strange that we're getting far far away this weekend; camping out in the drizzling rain even... just to get away from home? I think we're yet to figure out a place for ourselves ... in our now 'organised-life' *siiigh*

Psst, we still have a place in our hearts where "stuff" resides... Its a dark place in our garage called the attic. Other than a box labelled "holiday decorations",theres a whole lotta "stuff" around it. There's a place for everything?